
2007.04.17 - #opensource #music

one of the things that occupy much of my time (besides women) is music. i don't mean listening to my favourite musicians. i mean (computer aided) music synthesis.

the reason that i'm mentioning all these is to talk about my (almost) exclusive synthesis tool. It's free (as free speech) and many people refer to it as a programming language more than a tool.

so csound (written in c) is the compiler and csd is the source file. every csd file has 3 parts: * options: command line options for the compilation * orchestra: the track structure (instruments) * score: the way (duration & other attributes) instruments are played

i'll be back with more info about all these in future posts. For now just enjoy a small track of electronic music by luis maurette.

the track contains three instruments:

instr   106 ; NOISE
 idur   =       p3
 iamp   =       ampdb(p4)
 ifrq   =       cpspch(p5)
 iatk   =       p6
 irel   =       p7
 iflut1 =       p8
 iflut2 =       p9
 iharm  =       p10
 kenv   linen   iamp,iatk, idur, irel
 asig1  buzz    iamp, ifrq, iharm, 2
 kenv2  line    iflut1, p3, iflut2
 ktick  oscil   50, kenv2*.1, 1
 alfo   oscil   10, 1*ktick, 1
 afil   tone    asig1, 1000*alfo
 out        afil

instr   206 ; NOISE
 idur   =       p3
 iamp   =       ampdb(p4)
 iamp2  =       ampdb(p5)
 ifrq1  =       cpspch(p6)
 ifrq2  =       cpspch(p7)
 iatk   =       p8
 irel   =       p9
 iflut1 =       p10
 iflut2 =       p11
 iharm  =       p12
 kfrenv line    ifrq1, idur, ifrq2
 kamp   line    iamp, idur, iamp2
 kenv   linen   kamp,iatk, idur, irel
 asig1  buzz    kamp, kfrenv, iharm, 2
 kenv2  line    iflut1, p3, iflut2
 ktick  oscil   50, kenv2*.1, 1
 alfo   oscil   10, 1*ktick, 1
 afil   tone    asig1, 1000*alfo
 out        afil

instr   108 ; FM
 idur   =       p3
 iamp   =       ampdb(p4)
 ifrq   =       cpspch(p5)
 ifun   =       p6
 iatk   =       p7
 irel   =       p8
 icar   =       p9
 imod   =       p10
 index  =       p11
 irep   =       p12
 kenv   linseg  0, iatk, 1, irel, 0
 kenv2  oscil   iamp, 1/idur*irep, ifun
 asig1  foscil  kenv, ifrq, icar, imod, index, ifun
 out        asig1*kenv2

if you don't believe me... compile it :)

you can also find a vim syntax highlighting package for vim. is this open source music or what?